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King Saud University Training Platform

  • The training platform has been established

    To be a digital interactive training environment that enables everyone to join the various training courses from anywhere and any time.

  • King Saud University's focus is primarily on the quality of education, scientific research, and entrepreneurship, in order to prepare and prepare its graduates by developing their skills and abilities for lifelong learning and arming them with the knowledge to become the nation's leaders in the future.

  • 11

    The current number of existing courses

  • 61

    The total number of issued certificates

  • 360

    Total number of students enrolled in all courses

Our News

  • Memorandum of Understanding with the National Center for E-Learning

    <p><strong>Bold Text</strong></p> <p>Paragraph test</p> <ul> <li>point 1</li> <li>point 2</li> <li>point 3</li> </ul>

  • The platform fills the need of university employees for electronic training in line with Vision 2030

    <p>Technological and scientific development is so rapid that we constantly need to learn new skills and sciences. There is no more famous or clearer example than the computer and its rapid developments so that we need to learn new in this field, perhaps every week.<br />Remote training is an effective way to ensure that employees of major institutions are rehabilitated during service in a flexible manner that allows them to develop professionally during service according to their personal needs, at any time convenient for them and from anywhere, taking into account the individual differences between the trainees, and their academic and professional needs.<br />Also, distance training allows large organizations to reduce spending on training operations, as distance e-training is less expensive and easier to reuse, and it also saves work time for employees of the organization in a way that does not impede the workflow.<br />The Kingdom&rsquo;s Vision 2030 emphasized investing in education and training to develop the skills of the Kingdom&rsquo;s people, develop their energies, achieve the principle &ldquo;learn to work,&rdquo; strive to provide continuous training mechanisms, provide training opportunities for graduates, and establish platforms that deal with human resources in various aspects in order to enhance training and qualification opportunities and work to raise productivity Employee and Competence Provide training that develops skills and talents through stimulating environments and innovative methods.<br />The Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications has sought to achieve its third goal, which states to "provide training and awareness support regarding technology and its branches" by establishing a platform for remote training of university employees, characterized by ease of use and efficient performance.<br />The platform offers electronic training courses that take the trainee less time and at a lower cost to the university, and give the trainee the choice of the appropriate place and time for training.<br />With its services, the platform targets all university employees, whether faculty members, students, or employees, each according to his professional needs and academic specializations.</p>

  • A training workshop to train elite faculty members on the methods of employing the Blackboard Learning Management System

    <p style="direction: ltr;">The Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications held a training workshop to train elite faculty members on methods of employing the Blackboard learning management system in teaching their courses remotely. The study programs are partly via distance learning, where the proportion of synchronously taught remote lectures is about 25% of the total academic hours, in addition to 25% that are taught interactively asynchronously, with exams and practical aspects remaining within the university.</p> <p style="direction: ltr;">In order for the university to raise the capabilities of its employees in distance education, the Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications formed a training workshop at the beginning of the second semester 1439-1440 on the men&rsquo;s and women&rsquo;s sides. About 50 university faculty members joined it - as a first stage - in addition to launching an electronic training course On the electronic training platform for the university&rsquo;s faculty members, which is replete with examples and applications on both the learning management system and virtual classes, and gives the faculty member the ability to create a synchronous electronic lecture as well as the ability to upload electronic educational content to the system and design elements of interaction between the student and the course.</p> <p style="direction: ltr;">Any faculty member at the university can join the electronic course by choosing the courses available by the Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications.</p>

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Memorandum of Understanding with the National Center for E-Learning

<p><strong>Bold Text</strong></p> <p>Paragraph test</p> <ul> <li>point 1</li> <li>point 2</li> <li>point 3</li> </ul>

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The platform fills the need of university employees for electronic training in line with Vision 2030

<p>Technological and scientific development is so rapid that we constantly need to learn new skills and sciences. There is no more famous or clearer example than the computer and its rapid developments so that we need to learn new in this field, perhaps every week.<br />Remote training is an effective way to ensure that employees of major institutions are rehabilitated during service in a flexible manner that allows them to develop professionally during service according to their personal needs, at any time convenient for them and from anywhere, taking into account the individual differences between the trainees, and their academic and professional needs.<br />Also, distance training allows large organizations to reduce spending on training operations, as distance e-training is less expensive and easier to reuse, and it also saves work time for employees of the organization in a way that does not impede the workflow.<br />The Kingdom&rsquo;s Vision 2030 emphasized investing in education and training to develop the skills of the Kingdom&rsquo;s people, develop their energies, achieve the principle &ldquo;learn to work,&rdquo; strive to provide continuous training mechanisms, provide training opportunities for graduates, and establish platforms that deal with human resources in various aspects in order to enhance training and qualification opportunities and work to raise productivity Employee and Competence Provide training that develops skills and talents through stimulating environments and innovative methods.<br />The Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications has sought to achieve its third goal, which states to "provide training and awareness support regarding technology and its branches" by establishing a platform for remote training of university employees, characterized by ease of use and efficient performance.<br />The platform offers electronic training courses that take the trainee less time and at a lower cost to the university, and give the trainee the choice of the appropriate place and time for training.<br />With its services, the platform targets all university employees, whether faculty members, students, or employees, each according to his professional needs and academic specializations.</p>

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A training workshop to train elite faculty members on the methods of employing the Blackboard Learning Management System

<p style="direction: ltr;">The Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications held a training workshop to train elite faculty members on methods of employing the Blackboard learning management system in teaching their courses remotely. The study programs are partly via distance learning, where the proportion of synchronously taught remote lectures is about 25% of the total academic hours, in addition to 25% that are taught interactively asynchronously, with exams and practical aspects remaining within the university.</p> <p style="direction: ltr;">In order for the university to raise the capabilities of its employees in distance education, the Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications formed a training workshop at the beginning of the second semester 1439-1440 on the men&rsquo;s and women&rsquo;s sides. About 50 university faculty members joined it - as a first stage - in addition to launching an electronic training course On the electronic training platform for the university&rsquo;s faculty members, which is replete with examples and applications on both the learning management system and virtual classes, and gives the faculty member the ability to create a synchronous electronic lecture as well as the ability to upload electronic educational content to the system and design elements of interaction between the student and the course.</p> <p style="direction: ltr;">Any faculty member at the university can join the electronic course by choosing the courses available by the Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications.</p>