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Attendance Policy


All training courses are presented within the electronic training platform in an asynchronous manner through a set of professional educational videos, interactive activities and electronic tests, which depend on the trainee’s own steps to complete the course.

Asynchronous electronic or blended learning attendance policy:

  1. Commitment to attending at least 70% of the approved hours in the training course.
  2. Solve all activities included within the training course.
  3. Perform the final exam of the training course and obtain a score of no less than 70% to obtain a certificate of completion of the training course.

Synchronous electronic format attendance policy:

All training courses are presented within the electronic training platform in an asynchronous manner, and in the event that an entity desires to provide training courses in a synchronous manner, synchronous attendance through virtual classes is calculated as equivalent to regular attendance, taking into account:

  1. Providing simultaneous attendance hours through virtual classes at a minimum of 25% of the course hours for programs longer than a month.
  2. The allowed number in the synchronous virtual classes is 35 trainees, and the number of learners is allowed to increase by 25% over the number mentioned above in the synchronous virtual class based on:
    • Course type.
    • Activities and interaction
    • The trainer’s experience in providing e-learning.

Attendance and passing policy for distance training courses:

This policy indicates that virtual attendance is equivalent to regular attendance, and the general provisions related to it include:

  1. The trainee must apply to register for training courses through the training platform.
  2. The trainee must pay the financial fees for training by paying through the approved payment agencies on the platform.
  3. If you wish to cancel the registration request, you must submit a request to the platform at least (24) hours before the “synchronous” session is held, and the platform has the right to accept or reject the apology.
  4. In cases of an asynchronous course, the trainee has the right to send a request to cancel the course registration within 24 hours of opening the course content, provided that he does not take the course exam, and the platform has the right to accept or reject the request.
  5. The platform reserves the right to cancel any training course or change its date, and trainees will be informed of this.
  6. The terms and conditions are subject to modification without prior notice, and once published they are considered effective.
  7. Attending the courses virtually is equivalent to the trainee’s regular attendance.
  8. The trainee must attend no less than (75%) of the training hours allocated for the course in which he is simultaneously registered..
  9. When the trainee is absent from attending the course, he loses his right to request a refund of the financial fees unless he provides an official excuse, and the platform reserves the right to accept or reject the excuse.
  10. For asynchronous courses, completing 75% of the content elements and passing the course test according to the requirements of each course or submitting the project and having it evaluated by the training body are a condition for the trainee to obtain the certificate.
  11. The trainee obtains an electronic certificate, and if he wishes to obtain a paper copy approved by the university, he can submit a request to do so and pay the financial fee for issuing the required certificate.

Payment (online) and refund policy:

  1. When the trainee provides his credit card information, this is an automatic confirmation that he has the right to use this credit card. It also allows the platform to automatically store this information in a secure bank payment gateway, in addition to other relevant information to complete the purchase process.
  2. When making a payment for training courses, whether the payment is to enroll in the course or a fee to obtain an approved certificate, the platform has the right to collect the full amount scheduled for the service and announced.
  3. The platform may communicate with the credit card company or the bank that issued the card, or with one of the system implementation parties or with any relevant third party, and we may exchange your payment information, with the aim of verifying the card and its owner’s data.
  4. The trainee is obligated to immediately report any unauthorized transaction or any problem that has occurred on your account.
  5. The trainee must cancel any purchase order, if we believe that this order violates any terms in the agreed upon policies or if we believe that this may prevent financial loss.
  6. Once the payment is accepted, the beneficiary will receive a confirmation of the payment request via email.
  7. In the event of postponing or canceling a training course whose fees have been paid by the trainee, the full fees paid will be refunded via bank transfer within (7) working days.
  8. In the case of courses provided as grants from a third party, the trainee is not entitled to recover the value of the course in the event of cancellation, and the platform is obligated to refund the value of the course according to the applicable rules to the entity that received the grant. The amount can also be suspended as a balance for that entity to be directed to other trainees