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Terms of use

Agreement on the use of the platform by parties Training: Training agencies at the university requesting an account to publish their courses at the university are committed to the provisions contained in the platform’s publishing policy attached to the account request form on the platform. Their signature on the form is considered approval of the platform’s usage agreement. The platform’s supervisory committee also has the right to make any amendments or updates to the usage agreement. Which becomes effective once the training authorities are officially informed of it. The training entity is also committed to the financial estimate of the training courses and the rules governing the collection of training fees approved by the Supreme Supervisory Committee on the platform.

Agreement for the use of training content by Trainees:Dear trainee, submitting an application to enroll in any training course is considered an implicit agreement to the platform’s usage policies. The current page also includes the updates received to the usage policies, and it is your role to review them.

  1. The trainee has the right to use the content provided within the training courses for the training purposes indicated in the introduction to the course.
  2. The trainee does not have the right to copy, record, or republish any content from the training course without prior approval from the party that owns the intellectual property rights to the course (the training course provider).
  3. The trainee does not have the right to disclose his account on the training platform, share his login data, or allow other people to log in other than his account.
  4. In the event that the trainee is an academic researcher and needs a reference citation for the information provided on the platform, he must follow the reference citation rules contained in APA7 and consider King Saud University as the intellectual owner, and the electronic training platform, as a publisher, and the title of the course is the reference title.
  5. The trainee adheres to the basic cybersecurity controls attached to these policies.
  6. The trainee is committed to the privacy policies published on the training platform, which are considered an integral part of the user agreement.
  7. The trainee is not entitled to use any programs that would expose the platform’s materials to danger.
  8. The user of the platform is solely responsible for all services, telephone communications, data fees and/or any other fees or costs associated with his access to the platform and the use of training courses, as well as providing the equipment and devices necessary to access the course content.
  9. The trainee acknowledges that the information contained in his account registered on the platform is correct and up-to-date, and the platform has the right to suspend his account if the opposite is stated.
  10. If you choose to access or use courses that involve payment, you agree to pay, and you will be responsible for payment of the fee and all financial matters associated therewith.
  11. If you provide credit card information to pay the financial fee, you confirm and warrant that you have the authority to provide such information under this license to the platform, and the platform will withdraw from the credit card provided in accordance with the announced collection policy (periodic / one-time).
  12. All prices are in Saudi Riyals unless otherwise stated.
  13. Your use and access to the platform or any other activities related to the platform and skill courses must be within the framework of compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and decisions, including the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity means intellectual honesty and scientific integrity in the use, transmission, documentation, publication and production of information. Therefore, academic integrity represents an ethical reference for faculty members, trainers, trainees, and all university employees. It contributes to providing them with the principles and principles of dealing with educational and training content in a way that guarantees intellectual property rights and combats fraud. The electronic training platform at King Saud University is committed to academic integrity and respect for intellectual property rights when raising any Electronic resources for training and education purposes.


The academic integrity policy is considered an integral part of the user agreement. Academic integrity is binding on both the training platform and the accounts of training bodies and trainers and those who have the authority to publish on the platform. It is also binding on users of the platform from Trainees, academic researchers, and those who have the right to access content in all its forms. In the event of violating the terms of academic integrity, the violator is subject to the punitive measures associated with violating academic integrity.

Forms of academic integrity violation

If any of the platform users commits any of the following acts, it is considered a violation of the academic integrity policy:

  1. Cheating: copying the work of others and unauthorized use of any notes, information, and materials in academic examinations or other student assignments.
  2. Plagiarism/Plagiarism: Quoting the words and works of others without citing them as an authority.
  3. Illegal academic interference: such as the intervention of a course administrator by falsely preparing a trainee for a synchronous course, or raising his grade on a course passing test.
  4. Illicit cooperation: The trainee cooperates with an individual to pass his course exams, solve activities, or republish some assignments requested from a colleague.
  5. Fabrication and forgery: Changing the user’s personal data, specialization, or academic background (in the case of courses that have prerequisites) or making any amendment or change to the electronic certificates by any means of digital editing or the like, or attributing them to someone other than their owner, is considered a forgery that puts its owner under penalty of Subject to punitive measures.
  6. Impersonation of others: A student pretending to be someone else in class, in a test or exam, or in any type of academic assignment.
  7. Academic deception: Providing inaccurate information about the specialization of instructors running synchronous courses or giving them an academic status that they do not have is a form of violation of academic integrity policies.
  8. Intentionally uploading false information, such as the trainee submitting a technical support request for passing an activity or test that is not true. The platform has the right to take action against whoever does this if it sees bad faith and intentional fallacy in the submitted requests.
  9. Using any software to create the illusion that the trainee will attend synchronous sessions in reality is a violation of academic integrity.

Reporting the expiration of academic integrity terms:

Platform users have the right to raise requests within the technical support system or contact the platform team to report documented cases of violation of academic integrity, and the platform has the right to take appropriate measures regarding this after verification.

Procedures to be followed in the event of a violation of academic integrity:

A committee will be formed in the Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications to look into cases of academic integrity violations, and it may seek assistance from external parties from the university. In the event the violation is verified, the committee will assess the violation and take appropriate action according to the following:

  1. Verbal warning: The platform has the right to send a verbal or written warning to the violator if no direct harm occurs to others or if the violation does not fall within the provisions of the Saudi Intellectual Property Rights Law.
  2. Depriving the violator from using the platform’s services for a period deemed appropriate by the committee.
  3. Stop the course or content in question and estimate losses or redevelopment costs.
  4. If the perpetrator is a university employee, the disciplinary committee has the right to inform his employer/study of the violation.
  5. If the violation is repeated by a university employee, he will be referred to the Academic Integrity Committee at the university level.
  6. The Deanship of Electronic Transactions and Communications, as a representative of King Saud University, has the right to file material and moral compensation against the violator of one or more of the academic integrity clauses in the event of direct damage or a repeat of the violation.

In the event that a university employee violates academic integrity, he will be referred to the competent authority at the university to take the necessary behavioral action. However, in the event of a violation other than university employees, the matter will be referred to the competent authority according to the subject. ** This part differs from the competent authorities, as there are many violations, so each violation is studied separately and submitted to the competent authority.