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(مكتبة البنية التحتية لتقنية المعلومات) ITIL qehc

تقدم دورة ITIL® 4 Foundation مقدمة شاملة لنظام إدارة الخدمات التقنية، وتعتبر هي الخطوة الأولى في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات، من خلال الدورة ستتعرف على الإطار العام لـ ITIL 4 وكيفية تحسين خدمات التقنية، حيث تناسب الدورة مختلف المستويات من المبتدئين إلى المحترفين. تهدف الدورة إلى تعزيز الثقافة الاحترافية في إدارة خدمات تقنية المعلومات بما يشمل فهم الأبعاد الأربعة لإدارة الخدمات وتطبيق أفضل الممارسات الفعلية لإدارة خدمات تقنية المعلومات.

Enrollment is Closed

Introduction to the Course

Course Description

The ITIL® 4 Foundation course provides a comprehensive introduction to the IT service management system and is the first step in the field of information technology. Throughout the course, you will learn about the overall framework of ITIL 4 and how to improve technology services. This course is suitable for all levels, from beginners to professionals. The course aims to enhance professional culture in IT service management, including understanding the four dimensions of service management and applying best practices for IT service management.

Content Samples

01 Enterprise Architect وظيفة 02 Project Manger ما هو دور 03 IT Operation من هم جماعة

Program Objectives

  • Define the concept of IT service management and the infrastructure needed to support it.
  • Identify the components of the service value system: Identify and understand the components of the service value system according to the ITIL framework.
  • Distinguish between the dimensions affecting the service value: Differentiate between the dimensions that affect and are affected by the creation of a valuable service and those that affect without being affected.
  • Distinguish between service providers and consumers: Understand the relationship between service providers and consumers and their role in creating a valuable service.
  • Identify planning and design strategies to prepare services that meet consumer needs and enhance service value.
  • Explain how to involve stakeholders in defining and designing service value.
  • Identify the importance of continuous improvement and integrating software development practices to improve service quality.
  • Identify the concept of change and the reasons for its resistance, and understand the impact of management complexities and lack of skills on service management.
  • Identify mechanisms for implementing governance and building performance indicators to ensure service quality and work effectiveness.